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Amazing Stage Fabrics in Motion

Mirrors all-around at GITEX GLOBAL
Glassless mirrors show off their wits at annual trade show event
Entering the future with PepperScrim
Highly-transparant gauze evokes musical illusions
Record-breaking mesh screen for resort opening
Projection mapping on 300-meter-tall facade wrapped in elastic mesh
Backlit prints & kaleidoscopic mirrors at CityScape Global
Backlit prints and infinite reflections at real estate conference
Printed theming fabrics at Puy du Fou
Print fabrics immerse audience in black and white film setting
Immersive glassless mirror ceiling at art expo
Immersive art experience with glassless mirrors
Flame-retardant metallic fabric spreads golden glow
LurexVoile 100 Crunch shapes 3D light show
Terhal: prints & projection on stage fabrics
Cultural spectacle by Dragone with print fabrics and projection materials
Light-diffusing décor for onboard cabaret spectacle
Backlit diffuser fabric sets the tone at cruise show.
Rental velvets at Belt & Road Summit conference
Renting fabrics adds eco-friendly touch to international congress
Stage velvets complete theatre venue
Velours Delta brings elegance & versatility to U Venue
Enhancing acoustics at music chapel
Made-to-measure curtains for adaptable acoustics

Recent Projects

From theatrical performances, operas and ballets to the most extravagant special events and effects, ShowTex drapes are at home in any kind of setting.

Bisat Al Reeh - printed banners

Bisat Al Reeh

The recto-verso print fabric dressed both the aisles and the interior walls of the stalls in one go!

Chinese Valentine Show - projection voile

Chinese Valentine Show

Fabric projection surfaces add an artistic touch of romance.

Cube Frame museum display

Art Gallery NSW

Meticulously finished art displays in just one single day.

Sanlam Conference

Sanlam Conference

Using a huge amount of DropPaper, the conference's theme was boldly represented in the venue design.

Merlin and Arthur - projection

Merlin e Arthur

Stunning projections on an invisible stage scrim made the fictional character of Merlin come alive.

DekoTaft event fabric


A luxurious white DekoTaft brings the right atmosphere to the theatre stage. Both chic and serene!

GiantMirror installation - performance with mirrors


It only took two transparent GiantMirror foils to create an out-of-this-world ghost effect on stage.

Automobile Barcelona - projections on AV Drop

Automobile Barcelona

A spectacular set of AV Drop structures with ShowTex fabric makes for an immersive projection surface.

Final Four Euroleague - projection

Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four

360º projections for the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four.

Corporate Gala Tent

A transparent and waterproof tent cover in ClearScreen Crystal will be the best glass imitation you see today!

Silvana Imam on tour with satin stage drapes

Silvana Imam

With its chic silky shine, Satinac looks like a million, without spending a fortune!

Losing her voice - projection on spaghetti string curtain

Losing her voice

Besides acting as partitioning and passage, string curtains are great projection surfaces as well!
